Allergen-Shield Peanut

Allergen-Shield Peanut is an ELISA test that determines peanut residues in food products labelled as peanut-free.

Allergen-Shield Peanut

SKU A1748/A1796 Category



Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) belongs to the legumes. Many peanut proteins, such as ara h 1, ara h 2 and ara h 3 are allergenic. For this reason, peanut is one of the most important food allergens. Consumption of peanut might be harmful for people who are allergic to it. The allergen can be present as an ingredient or as a contamination in raw and cooked products. Consumption of peanut-containing food from allergic people might cause a broad range of symptoms, such as hives, mild oral allergy or/and anaphylactic shock. According to the regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 Annex II, peanut is included in the list of allergens established by the European Food Safety Authority, and its presence must be indicated on the label. Similar regulations exist e.g. in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


■ Sandwich Quantitative ELISA test with single-break strip plate with 48 wells (6 strips) or 96 wells (12 strips)

■ Limit of detection (LOD): 0.25 ppm

■ Range of Quantification: 1- 25 ppm

■ Low Procedure time: 30 mins

■ High Specificity and Sensitivity

■ Broad range of validated matrices

■ Shelf life: 12 months

■ Storage: 2-8°C

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